Sunday, 24 April 2011

They're just not that into ME?

So I’ve noticed people have this weird tendency to over-complicate elements of life that really need no further complication. Things are actually pretty straightforward most of the time: it's us as humans who choose to misconstrue meaning and change things within an inch of its original state.

If someone isn't interested in you and tells you that or implies through not pouncing on you or general body language: it's probably because they ARE NOT interested. Trying to twist each subtle nuance/ interaction/ accidental glance and misinterpreting it as something imaginary that is not really there can only be detrimental to the person seeing it. The one being obsessed over is living their life, blissfully unaware. Seen it far too many times with friends who have had 'a moment' with someone ONCE but think that's one step closer to holy matrimony.

MATE we're not in an idealistic Danielle Steel novel OR a rom-com. This is real life.

You may be one of those people who have experienced this too with their friends. Or are guilty. If this scenario is unfolding itself with someone you know and they seek advice BE HONEST. Sometimes it's all too funny hearing how naive or ridiculous their perception can be but ultimately they are your friend and the last thing you'd want to see is them hurt. Or embarrassed once they make a complete tit out of themselves after they spot the object of their affection out and one too many sambucas are consumed. And remember you gotta roll with this person afterwards...your rocketeering street credibility is also on the line ;).

If you (Uncle Sam point) are a perpetrator please recognise these traits and step away. This person probably isn't worth all your anguish and hero worship. If they can't see how much you're into them then how attentive would they really be in any form of relationship? Really. It's not hard to realise eventually when someone's into you. Unless you're not into them and deliberately act nonchalant or oblivious to the fact. If that person were into you they really would have put SOME sort of nondescript move on you by now.

If people just stopped reading into things and took such things as they are I know my life for one, would be easier.

One day I'll live in a world where everything is just as it's meant to be and does exactly what it's supposed to on the tin. A world six feet under in pure bliss. No more human interaction as none of us will technically be human. Win.

R x

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