Thursday, 1 November 2012


So I'm three months into my job as a Students' Union officer and it's been quite the journey so far.

Learning to push myself out of comfort zone in order to achieve wins for students and gelling with a whole new team, who have become friends, as opposed to colleagues has been interesting.

Most days are different but I sometimes struggle to prioritise and compartmentalise all the different tasks in the grand scheme of thingas; the bigger picture so the week, as opposed to things I need to do for the day. Having no titles as opposed to identifiable remits has had its pros and cons. Being able to do a bit of everything is helping build our skillsets and experience but it can be challenging to spread yourself across tasks that are poles apart, but all have a common thread: students.

I am also a huge worrier but one of my managers has told me if you're not worrying then you sometimes aren't doing your job effectively enough becuase you won't care what people think of you.

I don't want to be stuck behind a desk all day but I fear it could become part and parcel of the job in order to represent students until we start having campaigns and real solid reasons to venture out!

Being able to be a master multiskiller is going to look kick arse on a CV, if that's even a thing. I don't care. I will make it happen.

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