Monday, 6 January 2014

Happy new year- what's next for Owusu?

Oh that fabulous time of year- the beginning. Full of so much promise, hope, resolutions and aspirations...

I'm 22 and have six months to go until I'm unemployed and potentially out on my arse. I've had the most amazing year and a half working at Staffs- transforming from a subdued and reserved graduate to a confident and outgoing professional. I don't always feel like it during those self deprecating moments but when I reflect on where I've come from it's hard to ignore the change. 

Knowing a sabbatical officer's shelf life is that of a 2 year period, I had it all planned and sorted out this time last year right down to a tee: I'd finish my role as president, move back to London and live in my family home while working in some corporate field...but circumstance and lovely-but-interfering parents can be a bitch.

My 25-year-old sister is going through a quarter life crisis and after being stuck in a 6 year dead end relationship, has been mercilessly rocked to the core by my no-nonsense mother's harsh words. This conversation resonated and now my sister is lost, no longer wanting to live outside of London with no clear cut future and potentially no partner.

A week ago I was at home, job hunting and going through the motions blissfully happy. Seven days later I discover VIA TEXT (cheerz fam) my sister will now be moving back home. Into my bedroom. And we don't exactly get along too well.

So now my initially buried and long-forgotten aspirations of wanting to work abroad have been revived in my psyche and the possibilities are looking endless. I've spent countless nights researching jobs abroad but now I'm going to take the plunge.

I'm a little bit terrified but if I let fear eclipse my excitement there's no way I'll ever fulfil any of the things dreams are made of.

I have a few friends across the globe whose bravery inspires me to go for it with every message, snap or check in. When I stop and pause and reflect on my life I have nothing holding me back or keeping me in England. I have no commitments and the ties that bind my family, good friends and I are strong enough to survive: if not, thanks for the memories.

It's taken me a while but just by writing this I know it's a done deal. Where to go next...that's my big question! Africa or South East Asia are taking my fancy, but anything goes...

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